Results for 'Giampaolo Orlandoni Merli-Venezuela'

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  1. Modelos de regresión de datos panel y su aplicación en la evaluación de impactos de programas sociales//Panel Data Regression Models and their Application to Social Program Impact Assessment.Josefa Ramoni Perazzi-Venezuela & Giampaolo Orlandoni Merli-Venezuela - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (1):119-127.
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  2. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Giampaolo Orlandoni Merli - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (2):243-247.
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    Modelos de regresión de datos panel y su aplicación en la evaluación de impactos de programas sociales.Josefa Ramoni Perazzi & Giampaolo Orlandoni Merli - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (1):119-127.
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  4. Escalas de medición en Estadística.Giampaolo Orlandoni - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (2):243.
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    Moral Realism: A Defence.David Merli - 2004 - Mind 113 (452):778-782.
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    The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Coaches’ Perception of Stress and Emotion Regulation Strategies.Giampaolo Santi, Alessandro Quartiroli, Sergio Costa, Selenia di Fronso, Cristina Montesano, Francesco Di Gruttola, Edoardo Giorgio Ciofi, Luana Morgilli & Maurizio Bertollo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The recent global outspread of the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the lives of people across multiple countries including athletes, coaches, and supporting staff. Along with everybody else, coaches found themselves constrained to an at-home self-isolation, which limited their ability to normally engage with their profession and to interact with their athletes. This situation may also have impacted their own psychological well-being. With this study, we explored coaches’ perceptions of stress in relation to their emotion regulation strategies depending upon their gender (...)
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    Umberto Eco and Charles Peirce: A slow and respectful convergence.Giampaolo Proni - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (206):13-35.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 206 Seiten: 13-35.
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    (1 other version)Expressivism and the Limits of Moral Disagreement.David Merli - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 12 (1):25-55.
    This paper argues that expressivism faces serious difficulties giving an adequate account of univocal moral disagreements. Expressivist accounts of moral discourse understand moral judgments in terms of various noncognitive mental states, and they interpret moral disagreements as clashes between competing attitudes. I argue that, for various reasons, expressivists must specify just what mental states are involved in moral judgment. If they do not, we lack a way of distinguishing moral judgments from other sorts of assessment and thus for identifying narrowly (...)
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  9. Return to Moral Twin Earth.David Merli - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):207-240.
    Terence Horgan and Mark Timmons's ' moral twin earth argument' raises doubts about the naturalistic realist's ability to make sense of genuine disagreement. I offer three arguments the realist's behalf. First, I argue that the example at the heart of their argument is underdescribed; when fully developed, it loses its intuitive force. Second, I suggest that taking the stipulations of the Horgan-Timmons example seriously gives us reason to revise our initial judgments. Third, I propose combining naturalistic realism about moral judgments (...)
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  10. The structural properties of the anagram in poetry.Giampaolo Sasso - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (213):123-164.
    This article illustrates the main theoretical and practical problem of the study of the anagram in poetry, the still unknown entity of the anagrammatic combination, which requires specific software in order to perform a structural analysis of the text. This difficulty explains the failure of Saussure’s original hypotheses and the gradual decline, following the rediscovery of his work, of the interest of researchers in this subject. However, some poems (by Blake, Moore, Mallarmé, Valéry, Apollinaire, and Leopardi) illustrate the enormous potential (...)
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    On the principle of any domination. Aristotle's reasons why slavery is by nature and for the better.Giampaolo Abbate - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:1-16.
    Aristotle�s account on natural slavery is neither misleading nor paradoxical, but plausible even though controversial, unlike many commentators think of. On his view natural masters are essentially the virtuous people, viz. those who have been perfected in their process of growing, and natural slaves are essentially the vicious people, viz. those who have been injured or corrupted in some way in their growing up so as to suffer from a lack of autonomous practical rationality. Of course, many barbarians are in (...)
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  12. What kind of justice in a globalized world? The answer beforehand of Aristotle.Giampaolo Abbate - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:1-12.
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  13. Condizioni costitutive.Giampaolo M. Azzoni - 1986 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 63 (2):160-195.
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    Nomofanie: esercizi di filosofia del diritto.Giampaolo M. Azzoni - 2021 - Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
    ‘Nomofanie’ sta per “manifestazioni del nómos”. Nel libro si presentano configurazioni concettuali, problemi teoretici e contesti empirici che sono altrettanti dispositivi nomofanici, cioè produttivi di varie e molteplici manifestazioni di quel nómos che la filosofia del diritto è chiamata ad indagare. Quattro i filosofi più richiamati: Aristotele, Tommaso d’Aquino, Kant e Hegel, che costituiscono una sorta di “quadratura” per pensare alcune questioni critiche del vivere-insieme anche nelle società presenti.
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  15. Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio (1793-1862): il significato della sua opera, al tempo del rinnovamento neoscolastico, per l'evoluzione della teologia morale.Giampaolo Dianin - 2000 - Roma: Pontificio seminario lombardo.
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    A Matter of Taste. The semi-serious musings of a wine taster on the contentious prospects of professional tasting.Giampaolo Gravina - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 51:149-154.
    During a Barolo en primeur tasting session, a seasoned wine taster is assailed by a procedural unease which leads him to question the foundations on which his work rests. Sparked off by his reading of Michel Le Gris’ pamphlet Dionysos crucifié, the taster’s objections and perplexities are directed towards teasing out the rules and coordinates of a tasting aesthetic which has become tamed and domesticated, at the service of a narcissistic “tyranny of instant gratification”. Such an approach translates into wines (...)
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    La semiotica di Charles S. Peirce: il sistema e l'evoluzione.Giampaolo Proni - 2017 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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  18. Critica del diritto, difetti della giurisprudenza e problemi di legislazione in utopie del Cinque e Seicento.Giampaolo Zucchini - 1986 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 63 (3):409-423.
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    Commentary: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Treating Panic Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Giampaolo Perna, Erika Sangiorgio, Massimiliano Grassi & Daniela Caldirola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Towards a semantic blockchain: A behaviouristic approach to modelling Ethereum.Giampaolo Bella, Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo & Daniele Francesco Santamaria - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (2):143-180.
    Decentralised ledgers are gaining momentum following the interest of industries and people in smart contracts. Major attention is paid to blockchain applications intended for trading assets that exploit digital cryptographic certificates called tokens. Particularly relevant tokens are the non-fungible tokens (NFTs), namely, unique and non-replicable tokens used to represent the cryptographic counterpart of assets ranging from pieces of art through to licenses and certifications. A relevant consequence of the hard-coded nature of blockchains is the hardness of probing, in particular when (...)
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    Postmodern Education and the Concept of Power.Thomas Aastrup Rømer - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (7):755-772.
    This article presents a discussion of how postmodernist, poststructuralist and critical educational thinking relate to different theories of power. I argue that both Critical Theory and some poststructuralist ideas base themselves on a concept of power borrowed from a modernist tradition. I argue as well that we are better off combining a postmodern idea of education with a postmodern idea of power. To this end the concept of power presented by the works of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe is introduced. (...)
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  22.  22
    The Meaning of “o Πote” on in Aristotle’s on Generation and Corruption and Parts of Animals: Towards a Better Understanding of Physics, IV, 11 and 14.Giampaolo Abbate - 2012 - Méthexis 25 (1):71-91.
    In the end of the section 219a 10-21 of the 11th chapter of Physics IV Aristotle defines the ‘before and after’ in movement as follows: «The ‘before and after’ in motion is identical ὅ ποτε ὂυ with motion, yet differs from it τò εἶυατ αύτῷ, and is not identical with motion t (11. 19-21)». These lines convey the answer to the question whether the ‘before’ and after’ are the same thing as movement or not: in one sense, ὅ ποτε ὂυ, (...)
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    Public Subsidies for Employees' Contributions to Employer-Sponsored Insurance.Mark Merlis - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (2):121-132.
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    Perceptions of Beauty in Security Ceremonies.Giampaolo Bella, Jacques Ophoff, Karen Renaud, Diego Sempreboni & Luca Viganò - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-34.
    When we use secure computer systems, we engage with carefully orchestrated and ordered interactions called “security ceremonies”, all of which exist to assure security. A great deal of attention has been paid to improving the usability of these ceremonies over the last two decades, to make them easier for end-users to engage with. Yet, usability improvements do not seem to have endeared end users to ceremonies. As a consequence, human actors might subvert the ceremony’s processes or avoid engaging with it. (...)
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    Nature, Education and Things.Thomas Aastrup Rømer - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (6):641-652.
    In this essay it is argued that the educational philosophy of John Dewey gains in depth and importance by being related to his philosophy of nature, his metaphysics. The result is that any experiental process is situated inside an event, an existence, a thing, and I try to interpret this “thing” as schools or major cultural events such as the French revolution. This basic view is correlated to Dewey’s concept of transaction, of experience and finally, it is related to a (...)
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    Going green? On the drivers of individuals' green bank adoption.Maxime Merli, Jessie Pallud & Mariya Pulikova - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):780-794.
    In a context where individuals are increasingly more sensitive to corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and where mobilization of savings for the energy transition is essential, our article is the first to study the drivers of online green bank adoption. By analyzing 1075 questionnaires from a panel of French individuals in charge of financial decisions in their households, we show that altruism and green consumption values are significant drivers of individuals' green banking adoption and reveal that willingness to adopt a (...)
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  27. Aristotelian predicables, universality and realism. The logic of comparison in topics as denying the view that Aristotle was a realist.Giampaolo Abbate - 2011 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 38:7-32.
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  28. The Role of Necessity in Aristotle’s Teleology as Explained by Logical Implication.Giampaolo Abbate - 2012 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 15 (1):1-25.
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    La morale del metodo.Giampaolo Ghilardi - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Hermeneutik und Geschichte der Philosophie: Festschrift für Hans Krämer zum 80. Geburtstag.Dagmar Mirbach & Hans Joachim Krämer (eds.) - 2009 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
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    Der Ursprung der Geistmetaphysik.Hans Joachim Krämer - 1963 - Amsterdam,: Schippers.
  32.  34
    Affektivität Und Ethik Bei Kant Und in der Phänomenologie.Inga Römer (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Aufsatzsammlung geht der Frage nach der Bedeutung der Affektivität für die Ethik nach, indem sie zwei Traditionen füreinander fruchtbar macht, die sich bisher gegeneinander abgegrenzt, ja nahezu ignoriert haben: die Kant-Forschung und die Tradition der Phänomenologie. Aus zwei Gründen ist es an der Zeit, diese verfestigte Frontstellung aufzubrechen. Zum einen schenkt die Kant-Forschung im Rahmen eines anwachsenden Interesses an der Tugendlehre dem in phänomenologischen Ansätzen zur Ethik seit jeher zentralen Gefühl immer größere Aufmerksamkeit. Zum anderen beschränkt sich die phänomenologische (...)
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    (1 other version)Platone e i fondamenti della metafisica: saggio sulla teoria dei principi e sulle dottrine non scritte di Platone con una raccolta dei documenti fondamentali in edizione bilingue e bibliografia.Hans Joachim Krämer - 1982 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Scheitern zwischen Kunst, Ästhetik und Existenz.Johannes Waßmer - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2023 (2):56-70.
    Can failure be aesthetic or artistic? How can failure be described as an aesthetic phenomenon or as a work of art? Starting from a concept of aesthetic experience and presence this paper seeks answers to said question in four steps. After defining the event ›failure‹ (I), its aesthetic potential is determined (II), and distinguished from failure as art and the artfulness of failure (III). Finally, the significance of the aesthetic experience of failure for its existential understanding is examined (IV).
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  35. Possessing moral concepts.David Merli - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (3):535-556.
    Moral discourse allows for speakers to disagree in many ways: about right and wrong acts, about moral theory, about the rational and conative significance of moral failings. Yet speakers’ eccentricities do not prevent them from engaging in moral conversation or from having (genuine, not equivocal) moral disagreement. Thus differences between speakers are compatible with possession of moral concepts. This paper examines various kinds of moral disagreements and argues that they provide evidence against conceptual-role and informational atomist approaches to understanding our (...)
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    Filosofia dell'atto giuridico in Immanuel Kant.Giampaolo M. Azzoni - 1998 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  37. Validità semantica in deontica.Giampaolo M. Azzoni - 1992 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 69:166-177.
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    Motivi preromantici nella filosofia della natura di Lametrie.Giampaolo Boccardi - 1969 - Firenze,: Vallecchi.
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    Una mitra angioina perduta poi ritrovata. Il problema dello smalto de plique tra Parigi e Napoli nel Trecento.Giampaolo Distefano - 2019 - Convivium 6 (2):46-59.
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    Etica dell'agire scientifico e tecnologico.Giampaolo Ghilardi - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  41. Perspectiva conceptual normativa de la participación ciudadana y democracia en Venezuela//A Normative Conceptual Perspective of Citizen Participation and Democracy in Venezuela.Judith J. Hernández de Velazco-Venezuela - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (1):64-76.
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  42. Kunst und Automation.Rudolf Krämer-Badoni - 1961 - Wien,: H. Deutsch.
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    Considerazioni sulla volontà rinnegata.Giampaolo Loffredo - 2002 - Napoli: Città del sole.
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    Facts, Values, and Norms.David Merli - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (1):105-107.
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  45. O "pravom" i "li︠e︡vom" tipakh myshlenīi︠a︡.Nikolaĭ A. Reĭmers - 1949
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  46. Personalität und Multiperspektivität.Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch - 2013 - In Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch (eds.), Person: anthropologische, phänomenologische und analytische Perspektiven. Münster: Mentis.
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  47. Realismus als Herauforderung der Philosophie im Denken der Gegenwart.Inga Römer - 2020 - In Christoph Böhr & Rémi Brague (eds.), Metaphysik: von einem unabweislichen Bedürfnis der menschlichen Vernunft: Rémi Brague zu Ehren. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS.
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  48. Norms and normality - framing normality : an eye-catcher on the swedish labour court.Eva Schömer - 2013 - In Matthias Baier (ed.), Social and legal norms: towards a socio-legal understanding of normativity. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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  49. Intuition as Process and Presence On Benedetto Croce’s Aesthetics.Johannes Waßmer - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 310 (4):47-60.
    Dans cet article, je soutiens, à partir de l’esthétique de l’intuition de Croce, que la présence et le processus sont des catégories esthétiques implicites mais centrales dès le début de la modernité esthétique. Premièrement, la théorie esthétique de Croce est fondée sur la perception sensible en tant que forme particulière de connaissance. Deuxièmement, en mettant l’accent sur les actes de production et de perception, l’esthétique de l’intuition de Croce doit être comprise comme une esthétique de la présence. Troisièmement, elle implique (...)
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    Im Werkraum der Geisteswissenschaften Friedrich Nietzsches.Johannes Waßmer - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 65 (1):103-122.
    Mein Beitrag versteht den Werkbegriff nicht nur als ästhetischen, sondern auch als epistemischen Grundbegriff. Ausgehend von einem nachgelassenen Fragment Friedrich Nietzsches, das Eingang in Der Wille zur Macht – einen Text mit prekärem Werkstatus – gefunden hat, wird in drei Schritten argumentiert: (1) Der Werkbegriff ist an verschiedenen Prozeduren in den Geisteswissenschaften beteiligt und bleibt auch dann erhalten, wenn ein werkästhetischer Werkbegriff abgelehnt wird. (2) Innerhalb dieser Prozeduren kommt dem Werkbegriff eine gemeinsame Funktion zu. Sie besteht in der Konstitution epistemischer (...)
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